The White Stuff

While the rest of the UK ground to a halt, due to the longest freeze since, er, well the last time it was as cold as this, I've been out and about taking advantage of the ideal training conditions for the Polar Challenge.

This was an easy 11 km jog (with a few kgs in the backpack) from Canary Wharf to Aldwych, then back to the Tower of London. The surprising benefit of outdoor running is the sight-seeing potential. This route afforded spectacular views of a snow covered London. I ran along the Thames, through a deserted, frozen and seemingly post-apocalyptic city, to a snow flurried St Paul's that was somewhat reminiscent of the snow globe from Mary Poppins. Huh, a post-apocalyptic Mary Poppins? I'd pay to see that.

Though fitness and cold weather conditioning is the holy grail of polar training, I think the dominant benefit of this run was psychological. By which I mean the winning attitude gained by doing the harder thing, when it would be far easier, let's say, to remain huddled under a cocoon of several fluffy blankets whilst simultaneously being heated by a glowing fire and supping on hot toddy. A purely hypothetical example, of course.

I'm thrilled I didn't break anything in the slippy conditions. Last run on the ice caused me to be severely wounded with what could be best described as a paper cut. I slipped and saved my fall by elegantly crashing into a wire fence, hand first. I am bravely soldiering on.

Anyway the cold isn't too damning as long as you keep moving.
