Polar Bear Attacks - The Terrors of Racing in the High Arctic

Hey all, I haven't posted in a while. The magnitude of the race preparation is overwhelming.

I'm constantly tired from the grueling hours of training. When the workout is completed, there is the mammoth task of chasing more sponsorship, fund-raising and writing web updates. Then of course there is the mental preparation. You have to train the mind to cope with the stresses of 15 hours a day in complete isolation with only your headspace to explore, crippling fatigue, and a life-threatening and hostile environment.

Just when you think you can manage all of that, you read about a vicious polar bear attack in Manitoba, Canada. During the race to the North Pole there will of course be the continuous danger of such an encounter, and something like this can really cripple your confidence.

This attack took place in broad daylight, onlookers simply watched and did nothing to help. Please page down to see the severity of the attack.

Photo source unknown